Desember 02, 2011

Ranking 1 on Google in 2 Hours Action | Video

Ranking 1 on GoogleNot your typical IM SEO video, they talk with Patrick Bingo Card site and how it ranks without a lot of keywords ... and how you can copy his success too.

If there's one thing that bothers me its people more successful than me.
I want to know (a.k.a steal) all the secrets kept.
I want to know how a simple site design ass like Hacker News is so popular that it can launch a server crushing traffic someone hits the front page.
I want to emulate the secret behind how it runs and see how I can build such loyal fans.
Fortunately this Sumo gets what he wants from nerds through intimidation and brute force....which means we (forced) this Hacker News guy Patrick McKenzie to give us all his secrets.
Just a few things we squeezed out before he escaped our fat sumo paws:
His secret for ranking 1 in Google
How he automates his content creation (and how u can do it 2)
Why he laughs in Adwords face and doesnt pay for traffic
A bunch of other juicy secrets we cant list here (click the link to see the rest).
We secretly videotaped him spilling his secrets and are now selling them in order to profit from HIS genius ideas and HIS methods.
Whoever sees these videos will get his knowledge too. This is laughably small price to pay to see behind the scenes of the master at work.
OR download Here :